PREMIERE | Jake Paleschic, "The Light"
Sitting for a moment of pause in front of the Airstream with Fort Worth’s own Jake Paleschic; photographed by Kyndra DelRosso.
Surveying the southwest terrain of troubadours, we introduce you all to the organic country tinged folk ballads by Jake Paleschic, with the world debut of “The Light”. The artist composes tracks that resemble road trip tours with the feeling of gazing dreamily out the window and watching exits and billboards speed by (like streams of feelings and thoughts). A feeling of redemption and transcendence can be detected in the twang by way of orchestrations that hinge off acoustic guitar strums that entertain production values that would be right at home at the Grand Ole Opry.
“The Light” rambles forward along the dusty trail in pursuit of a burning bush style sign of providence somewhere. Paleschic explores relationships and all those with hungry and heavy hearts in paradigms that survey situations of love, courtship and heartbreak. Jake moves forward from the cyclical trends and repetitions experienced in the past with a progression toward something transforming, exciting and new. The chords calmly course through the heart and soul with a strong sense of introspection that strives to find new understandings of life, others, balance and healthy exchanges that lead toward an ineffable gate of enlightenment and illumination.
Jake meditated on the spark and glow that inspired and informed the luster of “The Light”:
I wrote this song as I was struggling with my role. There were good, healthy life changes together with unsought heartache, the loss of a family member, creative unrest — my bottle had been shaken. It’s almost impossible for me to write when I can’t locate my id or lean on a solid personality and the idea of that confine started me on a lyrical theme. How do I serve the music and how does it serve me? If I’m lucky enough to have a listener for a moment, how do I not waste any of our time?
There’s a big slice of human goodness in any bar on any night and I’d slid past it for years in music without acknowledging or benefiting from it. That’s self-centerdness and it results in boring music written and sung to the writer them self. “The Light” is a pastiche of decisions made to reverse that.
Listen to more via the artist’s website and follow the artist via Instagram and Twitter.