PREMIERE | santpoort, "Sunset River"
We are already halfway through 2021. As the world moves toward putting into practice the efforts of healing, grieving and manifesting self-care into something beyond a hashtag or vibe for whatever social media serial story reel — we remain slowly and carefully picking up the pieces of what once was, discarding the folderol deemed to be outdated and unnecessary as we reckon with the effects of isolation (and practically every other disaster imaginable) and the effects of what that coping process has wrought and everything else in between. Sydney by way of the Netherlands cult dream beat landscaper of new frontiers Julien Mier, otherwise known as santpoort, has been working on an album for Friends of Friends modeled after the concept of a flooded globe that leaves everyone lonesome, spatially and psychically remote from each other on the album ocean tales. Like a major natural event found in the mythical ancient scriptures and other associated canons, santpoort reimagines our ravaged realm in recovery with bright new tropic escapism that drowns the world we once took for granted in an aquatic sea of saltwater tears.
Cleverly curating an album that hits with a full sensory experience of feels that stem from the anxious and overactive mind sequestered to the solitary spaces of quarantined domiciles, Julien adapts the human fears, longing and loathing that permeated 2020 into an aesthetic of infinite adventure and uncontained ecstasy. Presenting the world debut of the illustrious and sensational “Sunset River”, santpoort elevates their hallmark production touches into the most immersive and introspective work to date. Julien Mier trades in pop tones that recall the sepia-filtered tidal wave wizards from 2010’s class of chilled pop dilettantes and debutantes with a maudlin message of lonely love and the unbearable urges of utter abandon.
At the very lyrical, musical, expressive core of “Sunset River” sits a drain circling sentiment of uncertainty, amorous longevity/strength and the unsettling question of futures that hang in the balance. I don’t know if I want to be around if our future doesn’t fit, Julien laments with endearment, I don’t know if there’s going to be tomorrow if it finds out what we done to it. Chorus hook recitations of we try to get away repeat amid an elaborate mix of soaring liquid audio emulations of natural splendor that paint quandaries of fluidity and relentless sorrow with percussive heartbeats that skip like stones between the azure aquatic channels and the tempests of cobalt stormy skies. The desire for flight into the cloud cast promises of a beautiful sky in conjunctions with preoccupations of a jeopardized and potentially compromised happily-ever-after are all serenely illustrated in hand with a message of self-acceptance, affirmation and holistic statement of truths and the tenets and talents of a universal love. You, just be yourself, that’s what nature has giving to you, don’t go copy anyone else, let it all just flow out of you... The flipside “Like Lightning” offers cascading keys, echoing reverberations of thunder, the electric and organic hum of calming chords and progressions that sail out toward the horizon vanishing point bend of no return and toward a deceptive tomorrow that exists hypothetically without a guaranty, or store bought warranty.
Julien Mier, aka santpoort, provided some insights on the inception for "sunset river" and the inspired construction of ocean tales:
“Sunset River” was an old demo I wrote way back in the days and originally titled "loon society" (the title of my previous EP) because I envisioned this flock of birds flying over a sunlit river but having this double meaning and visual that we live in a semi crazy and flashy society, so to say.
A portrait of santpoort, aka Julien Mier; courtesy of the artist’s Bandcamp.
I liked the fact that this song kind of felt like a happy apocalypse and fitted really well in the concept of ocean tales, which is about this flooded world where we live isolated from each other both mentally and physically. I've always been a fan of songs that sounded uplifting but have a more melancholic underlying concept underneath.
santpoort’s single “Sunset River” is available now, off the album ocean tales arriving August 27 via Friends of Friends.
Single art for santpoort’s “Sunset River”; courtesy of the artist.