PREMIERE | Micah E. Wood, "Snow Cover"

Pretty in pink ⁠— Micah E. Wood; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Pretty in pink ⁠— Micah E. Wood; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Expanding the lens on the ever astounding and inspiring world of the Baltimore creative scenes ⁠— we give you the latest from the multidisciplinary wunderkind Micah E. Wood with the debut of “Snow Cover”. A song for our times and for all times, a song of introspection; Micah presents a classic love ballad designed for apartment ballet aerobics and acrobatics of amour and absentia. Wood evokes those bygone prom suited crooner stylistics with pom-pom doo-wop vocals supplied by Jenna Jill Balderson and Tom McLean and a musical ensemble that includes Ari Pluznik, Jon Birkholz, Yu-Ting Wu and Zack Branch for an intimate dance for snowbound/snowed-in lovers both together (and perhaps afar sharing this waltz of wonderment).

"Snow Cover" pours over the love of another, the love the self and absolute elation of a shared mutual affinity between a pair of star-crossed hearts. Micah E. Wood sashays gently like a lavish lounge singer, delving into those intricacies of perception (of ourselves, loved ones and the correlating impact and enrichment), along with all the ennui that occupies our minds while we idle away our time. The serenely stepping number moves from the preoccupations about whatever and whoever else as the musical lens focuses on a special someone that makes a day sequestered at home feel like a fancy-free day spent at a favorite park or treasured holiday spot. Micah moves with the sophistication of a balladeer that offers a sense of romantic togetherness for all the love birds that are learning more about themselves and one another either while quarantining in the confines of their shared spaces or apart in their own respective domiciles.

Basking in the rouge light of summer with Micah E. Wood; photograph appears courtesy of the artist.

Basking in the rouge light of summer with Micah E. Wood; photograph appears courtesy of the artist.

Micah E. Wood shared some thoughts on the making of the new single:

“Snow Cover” is a song about love, the kind of love that helps you see the beauty in stillness. This might be my Leo energy talking but for me, it’s hard not to run a million miles an hour just to be able to feel or do anything. So there's something special about a snow day that forces you to cancel your plans and stay inside. This song is all about being comfortable with no distractions, just the person you love next to you.

This song was written before quarantine but the idea of being snowed in with nothing to do is more prevalent than ever. I think we’ve all learned how to pause and reflect on our relationships and place in the world.

Also I made this song with Jon Birkholz of Super city and Soul Cannon. This is a rare moment when someone else produced my track; I came to him with the song and the genre and direction I wanted it to go! He also arranged the reprise version which will someday come out…

Listen to more from Micah E. Wood via Spotify.

“Snow Cover” single cover art courtesy of Leah Schmitt.

“Snow Cover” single cover art courtesy of Leah Schmitt.