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PREMIERE | Specific Coast, "Home"

Specific Coast, aka Los Angeles artist/community organizer Matt Dunne; press photo courtesy of the artist.

In a world that is inundated with many a derby hatted, craft brew swilling balladeers that look like extras from Too-Rye-Ay-era Dexys Midnight Runners — the last thing anyone on this confounded planet needs is another damn folk song. That is until we heard the unplugged, acoustic and minimalist beauty of "Home" from Specific Coast. The solo act of Los Angeles media maestro Matt Dunne of the Cactus Coast collective; the following two minute wonder blooms like a voice mail or phone memo that resounds with the intimacy of a homecoming. This can be returning to your love after a day of work. After any extended period of absence. The feeling of reconnecting; closing the gaps of any length of distance between yourself and someone you love and care for more than life itself.

Dunne strums like an excitable heart skipping beats and steps in an enraptured and amorous fashion. Chords gently dovetail into the piano accompaniment that is carried by the pitter-patter of the percussion that exudes a kindred and candid emotive atmosphere. The warm and sparse arrangement sets the perfect tone for Matt Dunne's professions of love, recalling that first kiss on Sunset Blvd to the song's eponymous motif of "Home" that collapses the spaces between two hearts apart to create an omnipresent aura and sense of home. Specific Coast celebrates the power of haplessly smitten long distanced loves being brought closer together in a shared humble castle and kingdom that is all their own.

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Matt Dunne of Specific Coast provided some insights on the inception for “Home”:

My earliest records of “Home” are acoustic instrumentals I recorded as voice memos on my phone in 2017. After a year of cryptic messages and intense longing, “Home” was my declaration to my long distance girlfriend that I was in it for the long haul. I’m happy to report that we have now been living together for two and a half years. The sync in the Netflix Original series Ginny and Georgia is just an added bonus!

”Home” will be featured twice in the forthcoming penultimate episode of Ginny and Georgia via Netflix on February 24.

Listen to more from Specific Coast via Bandcamp.