PREMIERE | Shuggie Shooter, 'Dollar Dream'
Visions of thrifty grandeur with Shuggie Shooter; press photo courtesy of Alexis Gonzalez.
We are admittedly late to the Shuggie Shooter party. An obscure DIY shambles project fronted by Dillon Olmedo, the Los Angeles by way of Akron/Athens artist has gifted the world an array of independent releases via Bandcamp. Following up low key offerings like You Over Me, Low Feel and a plethora more — Dillon presents a first listen to the fresh new Shuggie Shooter EP Dollar Dream. Olmedo presents a succinct song cycle that highlights the understated tenets of home brewed pop that tailors a rustic experience that is an earnest and genuine excursion of electric inspiration information.
Dillon Olmedo's latest odyssey is an ode to creating heart-woven ballads on a budget. Dollar Dream begins with the bargain basement business bop of "LLC Do U Suppose" that concocts slacker sentiments with beguiling guitar work that embeds itself deep and dear into the consciousness. Downpours of the heart can be heard and felt on the mathematical minimalism of "Pourin' Rain", to the break-up blues of self-reliance that ring out on "On My Way Again", that seamlessly dovetails into the ethereal conscious stream of "Port Kaituma". The inner reckonings, dialogues and monologues spill forth with the effortless aesthetic of cool on tracks like "I Cansider it a Thought", to the obfuscation of visions on the generous grunge nod of "See In Front of Me", right before bringing the EP full circle with the bleary-eyed sweetness of "Something to Say" that has the style of a late night that turns into a burnt amber dawn break.
EP cover art courtesy of Amber J. Pulley.
Dillon of Shuggie Shooter shared with us an exclusive introductory preface for Dollar Dream:
Everything is personal: Whether I figure it out before or after the song is done. I'm interjected in it all.The album is about a dream starting all bright and shiny, then one by one the clouds roll in.
Dollar shop boulevard of discounted dreams and Shuggie Shooter; press photo via Alexis Gonzalez.